Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bike Touring From SF to Santa Barbara

Never done it before.  Biking long distance is something I've been always thinking about.  Life is short (I am talking about theirs :), so let's not waste anymore time.  Thinking about doing this in the beginning of November.  I still have a little more than a month to do the planning. 

378 mi., 35 hours. 10.8 mph.  Realistically, I am thinking 50 miles per day, which means it should take about 8 days to get down to SB.  The most I did is 60 miles/day around part of the Bay Area.  Hm... how many extra tubes should I bring?  What else to bring?  More on that later.  

11/6/2012 Update:  I've done a lot of planning, I am physically and mentally ready, my Marin Muirwoods is also ready, I am pumped, BUT!  Urgh... something important came up.  Tour cancelled for now.