Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Origin-8 CX700 Follow Up

Happy New Year!  We've been waiting and waiting for the 2011 black version of CX700 frameset, but it never happened. Well, hopefully 2011 will be available in 2012, long wait, but...  she's monster... beautiful monster... I don't mind. 

The info on the Origin-8's website haven't changed:

And it seems like the 2011 version will be available Dedham Bike soon: 


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, a few of my buddies are waiting on the new 2011/2012 frames to arrive. They liked my built-up 2010 version of the frame, and so I really hope that O-8 capitalizes on this chance to drum up some more business and get a new shipment out! From what I hear, the 2010 frames are nearly all sold out, and J&B Importers are waiting on the new versions to arrive. Here's wishing that's true!
