Thursday, October 18, 2012

Transit TD-1 Rear Rack

Installing a rear rack on a bike is apparently not as straight forward as I would like.  Last year, I bought a Transit TD-1 rear rack from Performance Bike.  I thought it would be an at-most-10-min installation process.  I was wrong.  After 30 mins of trying to figure out the correct alignments, I gave up, the TD-1 would not fit my 80s Fuji Del Rey.  What happened next?  I got a seatpost rack for the Del Rey and let the TD-1 sit there at the corner of my garage for about a year.

One day, I decided to make some good use of it and install it on my Marin Muirwoods 29er.  The thing about bringing an abandon bike component back to life is if you are lucky, you would be able to find all the small parts and installation hardware that comes with it.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.  I have no clue where my spacers, washers, and last but the most important, the bolts went.  However, what I do have is the one-page installation guide, which doesn't seem to be available online.  The instruction does state the size of the bolts to install the rack, which I find the information extremely handy in this case.  Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to share with owners of Transit TD-1... the installation instruction:

I hope this scanned copy helps as I don't see any other place where you can get it.

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